
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 수도권 과밀화로 인한 지역간 사회적 비용의 효과분석
저자 성진근, 안종운
발행정보 46권 1호 (2005년 3월) 페이지 1~15
초록 An epochal social investment policies should be adopted not only developing rural areas but also preventing the increasing social costs caused by overpopulation of urban areas. This paper examines the social costs caused by maldistribution; overpopulation in metropolitan Seoul city and underpopulation rural areas in Korea. Those are estimated empirically in the form of marginal costs and government expenditure multipliers with the aims of supporting the rationale of rural development investment policies
논문파일 농업경제연구-2005(46권제1호)-01.pdf