
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 지역농정의 현상과 과제
저자 김경량, 김지용
발행정보 46권 1호 (2005년 3월) 페이지 61~83
초록 With the opening of municipal autonomy era, it is apparent that different regions tend to adjust their production structures in their own ways, coping with new situations. Inevitably, in the future, competitions among regions will grow much stronger, and agricultures in different regions will thus become specialized accordiing to the comparative priority each region has over the otehrs. This would naturally require that each autonomous municipality get over the regional agricultural policy, currently no more than just a miniature of the central agricultural policy, and design/implement its own vision of, and blue prints for, developing itself to be a special region on the global scale, through its regional planning. In so doing, the following three points are to be noted. First, there should be a new recognition of the importance of regional agricultural policy, and each region should be allowed to perform effectively in its own way. This is because the regional agricultural policy functions as a shield to protect the failure of the central agricultural policy and further helps increase the effect of the central policy by complementing its limitations. Second, all the participants in the agriculture in each region should construct an organically integrated system of labor of division within the frame of a market-friendly agricultural strategy. Actually, production activities are not meaningful at all if consumption is not expected. Third, the central agricultural policy should keep a policy-supporting system that leads and facilitates the regional agricultural policy to continuously develop based on its own autonomy capability. This is because the central agricultural policy can be meaningful only when based on the regional agricultural policy, and because it can be considered the sum or the real substance of regional agricultural policies. Conversely, however, it is not to be ignored that only within the boundary of the central agricultural policy can the regional agricultural policy clarify its value and exercise its dynamics.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2005(46권제1호)-04.pdf