
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 청년창업농의 영농규모 확대 의향과 농업진흥지역 이외 농지 수요 결정요인 분석
저자 이향미
발행정보 60권 3호 (2019년 9월) 페이지 1~25
초록 This study determined the intention of expanding the farming scale among the young startup farmers and identified the demand for farmland other than the agricultural promotion area among farmers who intend to expand the farming scale. However, since there might be some measurement errors because the farmers who are not willing to expand the farming scale during the survey period were excluded from the analysis data, this study considered the intention to expand the farming scale of the young startup farmers and the demand for farmland in the non-agricultural promotion area. Therefore, this study used the heckman probit model to adjust the problem ofendogenous bias, that may occur in the sample selection. Based on the results of the study, upon analyzing the relationship between the intention of expanding the agement area of young startup farmers and the demand of farmland outside agricultural motion area, the demand for farmland outside agricultural promotion area farmland also increases for young startup farmers who have the intention to expand the management area. However, the farmland support through Farmland Bank Project is limited to the farmland in the agriculture promotion area. Therefore, in order to cope with the farmland demand of young startup farmers in the future, the measures toinclude the farmland in the farmland outside agricultural promotion area needs to be positively introduced.
논문파일 KJAE(2019-Vol60No03)-Korean-01.pdf