
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 옵션가격모형에 의한 채소수급안정화사업의 경제적 가치 평가-농협계약재배와 예시가격제의 평가-
저자 강태훈
발행정보 45권 4호 (2004년 12월) 페이지 117~140
초록 The purposes of Vegetable Supply Stabilization Program(VSSP) are to stabilize farm income through controlling vegetable production and harvests and to stabilize market prices through cold storage or junking underlying products when prices plunge. This paper analyzes VSSP's economic value for participating farmers. VSSP consists of 1) contract farming between local agricultural cooperatives and farmers and 2) target price support program by government. VSSP is a forward contract when harvest prices remain in a predetermined range, while it's payoff is similar to a call option when prices soar above the range and is a down-and-out put option--the trigger is the target price-- when prices plunge below the range. Furthermore, a put option is added to the program when prices go below the target price. Therefore, the value of VSSP can be estimated using option pricing models. Using option pricing models, the value of VSSP in 2001 is estimated about 96.1 billion won. From contract farming is 82%~88% of the total value and the rest 12~18% is from government target price support. Under WTO regime, government plans to stop the target price support in VSSP and to expand contract farming.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2004(45권제4호)-06.pdf