
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 한국 임산물시장에서 주요 수출국의 경쟁유형 분석
저자 최규섭, 장우환, 권용덕
발행정보 45권 4호 (2004년 12월) 페이지 141~168
초록 This paper examines the relative competitive positions of major export countries in korean forest products market over period of 1999 to 2003. To use the portfolio approach, the new competitiveness coefficient and competitiveness-market share matrix are developed. The position of major export countries on the competitiveness-market share matrix will be in one of nine cells, with differing implications for their role in korean forest products marekt. Based the competitiveness-market share matrix, we classify major export countries into first cell type, third cell type and ninth cell type.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2004(45권제4호)-07.pdf