
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 Agricultural Policy Reform and Structural Adjustment in Korea and Japan : In Search of Grace Period for Korea
저자 Hanho Kim, Yong-Kee Lee
발행정보 45권 3호 (2004년 9월) 페이지 1~26
초록 Despite many common features in agricultural sector, Korea and Japan have passed through quite different paths of structural adjustment. An important consequence of the different structural adjustment paths is full-time vs. part-time based farming system. As far as policy reforms are concerned, full-time based Korean agriculture has much more barriers to smooth policy reform mainly due to the income-related problems. With high level of off-farm income, farm household income problem is not a great concern to Japan. In addition to the income problem, other barriers to smooth policy reform in Korea are pointed out and discussed.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2004(45권제3호)-01.pdf