
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 설문조사기법을 이용한 다원적 농업의 범위의 경제성 검정
저자 권오상, 김기철, 노재선
발행정보 45권 2호 (2004년 6월) 페이지 85~110
초록 This study conducts a survey and tests whether Korean people believe that there are economies of scope in providing agricultural commodity and noncommodity outputs. The questionnaire suggests five alternative ways of providing commodity and noncommodity outputs. Each alternative contains different number of outputs provided by domestic producers. The respopndents are requested to express their extent of support for each alternative considering the benefits and costs of each alternative. A panel ordered probit model is estimated. We find that there are strong economies of scope in multifuntional agriculture. Domestic production of agricultural commodity output is evaluated much more important than producing other noncommodity outputs such as environmental goods, rural amenity, rural viability and food security. Among the noncommodity outputs rural viability is assessed as the most valuable one.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2004(45권제2호)-04.pdf