
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 친환경농산물 전자상거래 업체의 효율성 분석
저자 오호성, 이해춘, 김태영
발행정보 45권 2호 (2004년 6월) 페이지 139~161
초록 This study estimates the technical and economical efficiencies of different internet marketing organizations which sell environmentally friendly agricultural products. DEA and regression methods are employed. Input variables used are total investment, costs, construction costs of internet system, and number of employees. Output variables are total sales value, net profit, number of internet orders and visitors to the internet homepages of the marketers. This study reveals the overall efficiencies of the internet marketings for environmentally friendly agricultural products are low. Particularly marketing efficiency of the farmer-seller type marketers turns out to be the lowest, where as the merchants who do not produce but sell the products both on and off lines have the highest value and the merchants specialized by internet sale only show second highest value.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2004(45권제2호)-06.pdf