
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 개별농가의 영농중단 요인 분석
저자 안동환, 김관수
발행정보 45권 2호 (2004년 6월) 페이지 163~185
초록 We investigate factors influencing farmers' exit decisions using a panel dataset obtained from "Farm Household Economy Survey (1997-2002)". A reduced-form probit model derived from a random utility model characterizing farmers' exit decisions is estimated. We found that (i) a small-sized farm has a higher exit probability than a medium- or large-sized farms; (ii) non-farm income contributes to the exit from farming; and (iii) exit probabilities are lower for age groups between 50 and 69, suggesting that both younger and older groups of farmers are more likely to exit from farming.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2004(45권제2호)-07.pdf