
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 도시근로자가구와 농가의 소득불평등도 비교 분석:엔트로피지수의 그룹별 ․ 소득원별 분해
저자 안동환
발행정보 45권 1호 (2003년 3월) 페이지 21~46
초록 This paper investigated inequality of urban and farm household income for the period of 1990-2000 by estimating a generalized entropy inequality index. This index was decomposed into within* and between-group inequalities for urban and farm households. This paper also examined the contribution of each income source to inequality. Our results show that the degree of inequality of farm household income tends to be increasing, while that of urban household income seems to be stable during the study period. The effects of economic crisis (or IMF) on the income inequality seem to be different between farm households. and urban households. Between-group inequality of urban and farm households is estimated to be small but increasing during the study period. Also, we found that the degree of farm household income inequality attributable to agricultural income inequality has decreased significantly.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2004(45권제1호)-02.pdf