
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 산업연관모형을 이용한 한국의 농가수취율 변화 분석
저자 강민정, 김관수, 임정빈, 안동환
발행정보 60권 2호 (2019년 6월) 페이지 43~61
초록 This study analyzes how farm share changes over time in Korea when agri-food value chains are concerned. By using an input-output approach, this paper focuses on the dynamics of farmers’ sales in domestic food consumption expenditure. We found a downward trend of tfarm share from 2000 to 2014 in Korea. It is found to be declined from 44.8% in 2000 to 33.0% in 2014. The main reason for this trend seems to be the growth of food service expenditure which turned out to outpace the growth of farm sales. This downward trend is expected to continue with an increasing demand for food services.
논문파일 KJAE(2019-Vol60No02)-Korean-03.pdf