
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 농가 정보화의 결정요인과 지역간 차이
저자 이성우, 임형백, 조중구
발행정보 45권 1호 (2003년 3월) 페이지 47~81
초록 The major purposes of this paper are 1) to explore the major determinants that affect the application of computer and internet usage in farming households, and 2) to investigate the regional differences for this indicator. We utilized Korea Agricultural Survey Data, Which has not been fully utilized before. The present study pays particular attention to the hierarchical structure of the data and spatial units when applying our economic model to our empirical settings. The present study applies a multi-level multinomial logit model that can incorporate diverse spatial heterogeneities as well as individual differences. The present study found that there are big difference among regions in the applications of computer and internet usage. Based on the findings of this study, the present study concludes with introducing several policy implications and future studies for the prosperity of Korean farming households and rural societies.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2004(45권제1호)-03.pdf