
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 한국 쌀산업 부문의 식량안보가치 분석: 정부의지모형(Self-will Government Model)의 응용
저자 임정빈, 한두봉
발행정보 44권 4호 (2003년 12월) 페이지 59~77
초록 Government interventions in the basic foodstuffs tend to be widely practiced in both developed and developing countries. Particularly food importing country such as Korea has had deep concerns on the certain degree of maintenance of domestic production for food security. The government intervention for attaining food security in a country will be different according to its specific agricultural situation and background. Although government interventions take different forms, many are believed to be highly inefficient in terms of traditional welfare economics. This study applies Self-will Government Model to the Korean rice sector for explaining why policy makers have adopted welfare distorting policies. The employed model is based on a policy preference function which embodies the welfare weights for production, consumption sector and government expenditures. This study provides a systematic comparison of the welfare distribution effects and self-sufficiency derived by alternative scenarios in a sense of the value of food security.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2003(44권제4호)-04.pdf