
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 시카고상품거래소(CBOT)와 동경곡물거래소(TGE) 옥수수 선물가격간의 동태적 인과관계 분석
저자 윤병삼, 양승룡
발행정보 44권 4호 (2003년 12월) 페이지 79~100
초록 Although both CBOT and TGE corn futures prices are non-stationary in levels, Johansen cointegration test shows that the two series are cointegrated, suggesting that there exists a long-run equilibrium relationship between CBOT and TGE corn futures. In addition, a Granger causality test shows the evidence of a long-run causal relationship between CBOT and TGE corn futures prices. In the short run, the CBOT corn futures have a strong causal effect on the TGE corn futures, whereas the TGE corn futures have a rather weak causal effect on the CBOT corn futures. A bivariate GARCH model (BEKK model) was estimated to examine the volatility spillover effects. There exists a feedback between the DBOT and TGE volatilities. The two markets trading the same commodity are well linked as expected.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2003(44권제4호)-05.pdf