
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 실험경매법을 이용한 유전자변형제품의 소비자 수용성 분석
저자 권오상, 김기철
발행정보 44권 4호 (2003년 12월) 페이지 101~119
초록 The purpose of this study is estimating the consumer's WTA and WTP for the GMO and non-GMO products in Korea. An Experimental auction on Chocolate bars has been implemented. The estimated average WTP for non-GMO product was 104~356% of the price of auctioned GMO product. The average WTA has been estimated as 3.43 times of the average WTP. THe positive information on GMO technology provided to the bidders affected their WTP's negatively. It turned out that college students are more sensitive to GMO information than housewives.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2003(44권제4호)-06.pdf