
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 The Economic Improvement and Opening Measures of North Korea and Problems in Agricultural Sector
저자 Young-Hoon Kim
발행정보 44권 3호 (2003년 9월) 페이지 119~150
초록 The Economic Management Improvement Measures for agricultural productivity are expected to increase in North Korea. These Measures include increases in the price of agricultural products, and attempts to increase agricultural productivity by implementing a new performance based product distribution system to further motivate farm workers. However, due to problems inherent in the Improvement Measures and the failure to resolve the severe shortage of capital, North Korea's agricultural production is not projected to meet expectations. To solve the shortage of capital in agricultural sector, North Korea should obtain major assistance from the international community. The new special economic zones should be ssen as North Korea's efforts to attract investment from the international community. An approach should be adopted in order to search for the proper path to achieve economic cooperation between the two Koreas based on the special economic zones. It is also necessary to develop the agriculture in these adjacent areas, and to establish inter-Korean cooperative measures. And then, North Korea's opening strategy can be complemented, and inter-Korean agricultural cooperation strengthened.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2003(44권제3호)-05.pdf