
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 중국 농산물 유통시스템 변화의 사례 연구: 교동지역(膠東地域)
저자 이일영
발행정보 44권 2호 (2003년 6월) 페이지 67~90
초록 Economic reform in China is usually regarded as the marketization. Especially, the dramatic marketization has been observed in China's agricultural marketing system in the reform era. This paper analyses the case of vegetables and fruits in Jiaodong region where production, processing and marketing have been rapidly and sidely integrated. Judging from results of the field survey, China's Jiaodong region has already achieved much in the sphere of the marketization, and there is not the extreme asymmetricity of price information. In the other side, the various and stable transaction relations are instituted among processor, broker and producer. Therefore, in Jiaodong region, the market become widespread, but this market is not the complete set of perfect markets.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2003(44권제2호)-04.pdf