
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 조건불리지역 농업 ․ 농촌의 다원적 기능에 대한 가치평가
저자 유진채, 이희찬
발행정보 44권 1호 (2003년 3월) 페이지 111~130
초록 This article estimated non-market value of the multifunctionality roles of less-favored agriculture and rural areas in Korea. A dichotomous choice of contingent valuation methods was applied to the positive externalities provided by korean agriculture and rural areas. The Krinsk-Robb procedure was used to construct intervals around benefit estimates derived from the logit models to determine whether there is a significant difference in willingness to pay(WTP) estimates. While respondents' sociodemographic characteristics except for the levels of income and education were not important determinants of the WTP, the WTP itself was found significantly affected by respondents' value system and policy concerns. Total value of the positive externalities was an estimated 1,309 billion Won, averaging about 91,000 Won per household.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2003(44권제1호)-06.pdf