
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 가락동 도매시장 농산물 판매주체의 시장지배력 분석
저자 김두한, 김상기
발행정보 44권 1호 (2003년 3월) 페이지 131~151
초록 There is a general consensus that, compared with food marketing firms, farmers have inferior market and bargaining power. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the identity of the current market power of major sales bodies which sell their apple in Garak-dong wholesale market in Korea. It was found out that the 'type III(agricultural cooperatives)' enjoys the highest selling loyalty and both 'type II(joint selling bodies)' and 'type III' are competed with each other for the retention of market shares in wholesale market. The steady-state probabilities for three sales bodies are already arrived in long run equilibrium state. Thought the mark-up(MU) for all sales types by multinomial logit model are estimated insignificant statistically, while the Lerner index meaning market power for 'type III' representing agricultural coopeatives sales is relatively higher than the other two types. The results of this study suggest that under the situation of the rapidly changing marketing environment of the agricultural products the point places great emphasis on the acceleration of the specialization in marketing business of the agricultural cooperatives in order to enhance the market power of the agricultural producers.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2003(44권제1호)-07.pdf