
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 조수입보험 및 수확량보험 가입자 후생변화효과 비교
저자 김석현, 김민현, 조규대
발행정보 60권 1호 (2019년 3월) 페이지 1~18
초록 The purpose of this study is to investigate the welfare changes of farm producers insured in either yield or revenue insurance. Monte-Carlo simulations are used to determine the changes of certainty equivalent of each insurance contract. The results indicate that, if the coefficient of variation(c.v.) of prices is higher than that of yields, revenue insurance generates greater welfare than yield insurance. The higher the c.v. of prices is, the greater the welfare increase of revenue insurance is. Even in case the c.v. of yields is higher than that of prices, revenue insurance generates greater welfare if the correlation between yields and prices is weak. In case the c.v. of yields is much higher than the c.v. of prices and the correlation between yields and prices is verystrong, yield insurance generates greater welfare than revenue insurance. It appears that current revenue insurance programs for four crops(soybean, garlic, onion, grape) successfully achieve the policy goal of increasing producer welfare.
논문파일 KJAE(2019-Vol60No01)-Korean-01.pdf