
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 농가의 리스크 밸런싱 행위 분석
저자 추성훈, 안동환
발행정보 59권 3호 (2018년 9월) 페이지 1~20
초록 This study examines farm households’ risk balancing behavior in Korea. We use a SUR(seemingly unrelated regression) model to reflect the interdependence in farm households’ risk balancing behavior where they adjust their financial structure, off-farm work decisions, and consumption level, etc. We find that Korean farm households make strategic farm financial risk decisions, off-farm business decisions, and consumption adjustment in response to exogenous changes in expected farm risk or business risk. This study also shows that large farms make more use of off-farm risk balancing, while small farms appear to make more use of financial risk balancing and adjusting consumption level.
논문파일 KJAE(2018-Vol59No03)-Korean-01.pdf