
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 과수거점산지유통센터가 과일 유통비용에 미친 영향 분석: 사과, 배, 감귤을 중심으로
저자 안병일, 지성태
발행정보 59권 3호 (2018년 9월) 페이지 63~80
초록 In this study, we use difference in difference (DID) method which compares the treatment and ontrol groups in order to strictly evaluate the effect of the introduction of Agricultural Products rocessing Center(APC) on the marketing margin of fruits. It is estimated that the marketing argins of apples, pears and citrus have been reduced by 135.5 won/kg on average due to APC. onsidering that the APC intends to reduce distribution costs and increase the producer price, he analytical results of this study indicate that the APC construction project has achieved itspolicy goal.
논문파일 KJAE(2018-Vol59No03)-Korean-04.pdf