초록 |
This study analyzes the economic outcome of several cultivation practices of rice under uncertainty with the field data obtained from NICS(National Institute of Crop Science) from year 2014 to year 2016, where the practices include tillage, wet-direct seeding, partial tillage and no-tillage. For the analysis we adopt stochastic dominance analysis, which is basically grounded on simulation techniques and utility function with farmers’ risk attitude. The results show that farmers with risk neutral preference (r=0) always prefer wet-direct seeding practice to other alternatives irrespective of the magnitude of cost saving. The preference among alternatives, however, varies according to risk aversion coefficient and magnitude of cost saving. When farmers are risk averse (r=0.04), no-tillage practice is the most preferred alternative with cost saving from 100% to 56% but tillage practice is the most preferred alternative withcost saving less than 55%. When farmers are high risk averse (r=0.08), partial tillage practice is the most preferred alternative with cost saving from 100% to 61% but tillage practice is the most preferred alternative with cost saving less than 60%.This study is expected to be helpful to rice farmers’ decision making for the adoption of cultivation practices under the mix of risk preference and level of cost saving under uncertainty.